jQuery EasyUI
easyui help you build your web page easily!
Welcome to jQuery EasyUI
jQuery EasyUI framework help you build your web page easily.
- easyui is a collection of user-interface plugin based on jQuery.
- using easyui you don't need to write many javascript code, you usually defines user-interface by writing some HTML markup.
- easyui is very easy but powerful.
All Plugins
- parser
- easyloader
- draggable
- droppable
- resizable
- pagination
- searchbox
- progressbar
- panel
- tabs
- accordion
- layout
Menu and Button
- menu
- linkbutton
- menubutton
- splitbutton
- form
- validatebox
- combo
- combobox
- combotree
- combogrid
- numberbox
- datebox
- datetimebox
- calendar
- spinner
- numberspinner
- timespinner
- slider
- window
- dialog
- messager
DataGrid and Tree
- datagrid
- propertygrid
- tree
- treegrid