
Zojax is a Python-oriented software development company, favoring this programming language for its superior agility and scalability. While other languages are well-suited for certain tasks, we feel that Python—which powers Google’s apps—offers clear advantages when building web applications. Zojax works exclusively with Python-based web frameworks, including Django, TurboGears, and Zope.

The development team at Zojax excels in the following technologies:

Past Zojax projects have included real-time credit card authorization using, PayPal, and Google Checkout. We also recently completed a project using the Google Maps API and a hybrid layer of Flash and SVG to allow the application to run on Apple mobile devices. Yet another client initiative focused on a high-end email archiving application written in TurboGears that required the development of an Outlook plug-in. Read about more Zojax client projects.
